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December 1, 2014

Practice Time!

Practice Time!

Imagine an athletic team not scheduling practice time! No time to discuss and practice strategies, obstacles or who’s going to do what. How good would they be? Team meetings are your team’s practice time. This month is dedicated to creating effective practice time!

If your practice is like many practices I observe, the scheduled team meeting time (practice time) is often lowest on the scale of importance. Emergency patients, add ons, running behind and even lunches take priority over team meeting time. Many offices start out scheduling an hour but often end up with 30 to 45 minutes by the time everyone is in attendance and ready to participate. There are often many items on the agenda and the pace is very rushed. There never seems to be enough time to go deep enough to clearly understand the what, who, when, where, why, and how. Which means the team ends up talking about the same topics over and over again. Does this sound familiar?

It is necessary to have effective practice time to nurture a successful team culture! However, practice time can also be a source of frustration if you’re the only person facilitating or participating in the effort. There are many ways to encourage team participation and have others lead.

Often times team members stop participating because they fear retaliation or have been criticized or shut down with words or body language. You know the rolling of the eyes or the big sighs! You can create a safe and sharing environment by establishing communication guidelines for your practice time. Ask the entire team to work together to create Communication Guidelines. What is it that they need to feel safe to participate? Some examples of guidelines might be:

  • Listen
  • No judgment or criticism
  • Have a thicker skin
  • Believe in positive intent
  • Give the benefit of the doubt
  • Avoid sarcasm
  • Be respectful
  • Support a no-gossip culture
  • Project positive tone and body language
  • Be open minded
  • Be understanding
  • No retaliation

Once you have completed your guidelines, print them out, frame them and put them on display to refer to as needed. I suggest starting each meeting by reviewing the guidelines as well as whenever you hire someone new or someone’s behavior deems it necessary. Because we are human and old habits die hard we will need reminders! It can be as simple as, “remember we said we weren’t going to ______!

Here are some additional suggestions to inspire effective, efficient and engaging practice time:

  • Schedule practice time when most team members can attend.
  • Allocate appropriate time and space for your practice time.
  • Utilize a large easel pad and bright markers to write down the ideas being shared by the team. Ask team members to rotate writing.
    • Address the fear and worry of spelling…make it a part of your communication guidelines…no judgment or criticism for misspelling.
  • Address issues concerning patients and the practice.
  • Create an agenda and have the team members rotate leading the meeting.
  • Ask multiple choice or essay questions instead of yes and no questions.
  • Ask team members to write down their responses. When everyone has finished, have them share these responses with the group.
  • Break the team into groups of two or three, depending on the size of your team. Have them come up with solutions to share with the team.
  • Allow time for exercises and fun.
  • Practice verbal skills, role playing and the physical walk through before implementing anything new.

The more you empower the entire team to participate in decision-making, the more engaged they will be. When team members feel they’re involved in decisions, they take greater ownership for the outcomes. What we create, we own.

Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help your team WORK together to build a happy healthy and high performing culture!