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November 11, 2015

Just Say NO!

November 2015

Just Say NO!

I just finished reading a fabulous book written by Patti DeNucci titled the “Intentional Networker – Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals and Results in Business”. I absolutely loved the section on when to say NO!  I sometimes struggle with saying no…maybe you do too?  Have you ever said yes to something even when you were already overcommitted and didn’t have a clue how you would get it all done!  This month is dedicated to understanding how to say no so we can say yes to that which is most important to us!

In Patti’s book she shares it is important to learn how to just say no to what does not align with who we are; our values and priorities; our mission and purpose; our vision, intentions, and goals; the image and brand we wish to project; and our dedication to quality over quantity!

We really can’t be everything and do everything for everybody! Say no to what no longer serves you. Balance your time and commitments between purposeful and mindful.

I was taught from a very early age to say yes to any request as long as it was legal, ethical and within my licensure. I was somehow supposed to magically fit it whatever it was…into my schedule. Saying no meant I wasn’t nice and was selfish for putting my own needs first. It has taken me years to overcome the guilt of saying no to requests. I am thrilled to say I am mastering a new mindset of saying no to the things in life that are not a good fit to make room for the things that are a good fit. I can now say no with clarity and confidence. Which I believe has a lot to do with why I am a much happier person. I no longer allow myself to be pushed, cajoled, or guilted into doing things that I know are not a good fit for me. I am unwilling to spend the precious time I have on this earth living someone else’s agenda. Instead I make time for what matters most to me which is my health, my family and my career. I don’t know about you but in the past when I have agreed to things that I knew at the time were not a good fit I tremendously regretted my decision. I now listen to my gut instinct. When it says no, I listen and honor it.

In my business I do not accept requests where I know I am not the best fit…and instead I refer! I am blessed to have awesome colleagues who I am happy to align with their strengths.

Consider saying “no thank you” when requests, offers, and opportunities:

  • Are not the best uses of time, talent or resources
  • Don’t propel you forward toward your purpose, mission, vision, or goals
  • Don’t feed your purpose and passion
  • Cause you to neglect or compromise something important to you such as health or family
  • Could negatively affect your reputation
  • Don’t feel “right” in your heart or gut
  • Don’t interest, inspire, feed, or energize you
  • Create resentment
  • Could create unwanted attention or “noise”
  • Should be handled by someone else
  • Don’t need to be handled at all
  • Are professional requests that should require scheduling and compensation

Here are some polite ways to say no!

  • No thank you
  • No, not today
  • No that doesn’t work for me
  • No, I can’t help you with that
  • No, I am not available
  • No, I have another commitment
  • No, I just can’t say yes to that
  • No, I can’t do this but I can do this…

Learn to say no to what isn’t a good fit to make room for what is a good fit and you will be lead a much happier and more successful life!

Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn how she can help you build a cohesive team that support each other and the practice, become better leaders, and deliver service with more passion and fun!